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Recap has a number of requirements on your server before you can deploy applications with it. These include:

  • Each application needs its own account on the server. The full account environment is loaded whenever an application command or process is run, so this is the place where other application specific configuration should happen.
  • Each deploying user needs a personal account on the server which they should be able to ssh into.
  • This personal account needs to be able to sudo, both to switch to the application user and to run other administrative commands.
require 'recap/tasks'

module Recap::Tasks::Bootstrap
  extend Recap::Support::Namespace

The bootstrap namespace has a couple of task that help configure application and personal accounts and personal accounts to meet these requirements.

  namespace :bootstrap do
    set(:remote_username) { capture('whoami').strip }
    set(:application_home) { "/home/#{application_user}"}

The bootstrap:application task sets up the account on the server the application itself uses. This account should be dedicated to running this application.

    desc 'Sets up the server account used by the application, including home directory and environment support'
    task :application do

If the account doesn’t already exist on the server, the task creates it.

      if exit_code("id #{application_user}").strip != "0"
        sudo "useradd #{application_user} -d #{application_home}"

If the home directory doesn’t exist, or isn’t both readable and writable by members of the application group (all the accounts allowed to deploy the app) then the task creates the directory and fixes file permissions.

      sudo "mkdir -p #{application_home}"
      sudo "chown #{application_user}:#{application_group} #{application_home}"
      sudo "chmod 755 #{application_home}"

A script .recap is added to set the configuration environment (set with env:set and env:edit tasks). The script loads the .env file in the users home folder, creates a new copy with export prefixed to each line, and sources this new copy.

      put_as_app %{
if [ -s "$HOME/.env" ]; then
  sed -e 's/\\r//g' -e 's/^/export /g' $HOME/.env > $HOME/.recap-env-export
  . $HOME/.recap-env-export
      }, "#{application_home}/.recap"

Finally, .profile needs to source the .recap script, so that the configuration environment is available whenever the environment is loaded.

      as_app "touch .profile", "~"

      if exit_code("grep '\\. $HOME/\\.recap' #{application_home}/.profile") != "0"
        as_app %{echo ". \\$HOME/.recap" >> .profile}, "~"

The bootstrap:user task sets up the personal accounts of users who can deploy applications. In order to deploy a particular app, the account’s git configuration must be set (so that releases can be tagged), and the account must be a member of the application group.

    desc 'Sets up the server account used by a deploying user'
    task :user do
      git_user_name = Recap::Support::ShellCommand.execute("git config user.name").strip
      git_user_email = Recap::Support::ShellCommand.execute("git config user.email").strip
      run "git config --global user.name '#{git_user_name}'"
      run "git config --global user.email '#{git_user_email}'"
      sudo "usermod --append -G #{application_group} #{remote_username}"

      if repository.match /github\.com/
        run "(mkdir -p ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts && ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -H -F github.com | grep 'github.com') || ssh-keyscan -H github.com > ~/.ssh/known_hosts"

The bootstrap task simply runs both the bootstrap:application and bootstrap:user tasks in turn.

    task :default do